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The Bow Valley Model Railroad Club has an HO modular layout which it often displays at shows and other events. This layout consists of a number of separate panels or modules which can be assembled in various ways and which can result in a different layout for every show! We can make layouts which vary in size from about eight feet by eight feet up to 44 by 32 feet or even larger. One of the features of our layout is that it is quite low. This makes it more easily visible to smaller children and handicapped individuals. Our club members do have to duck down a bit more to crawl under the modules to get inside the layout! For larger shows, though, we have now constructed a panel with a lift-up section so we can walk in and out more easily. Standard modules are approximately 2 feet by 4 feet (actually 47.5 inches by 23.5 inches but we usually round this to 2 x 4 feet). We design a custom layout configuration for each and every show or display in which we participate. Corner modules are hexagonal and match the standard 2 by 4 foot grid. Special modules have been built which match the standard grid but are of different sizes. These include:
All modules have a backdrop and are skirted when displayed. Modules are owned by club members and these members are responsible for taking their modules to shows and displays when they are needed. Not all modules are included in every setup. Digitrax Digital Command Control (DCC) is used by the club and allows the independent operation of many locomotives and trains on the layout at the same time. This requires a certain degree of coordination and can get exciting at times!
Bow Valley Model Railroad Association, Calgary - 2024 |